cogito εrgo sum.

convergence from a quidnunc.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

so sue me IIPM, shame on you.

I never had a good opinion about IIPM. Now they have gone to the extent of curbing free speech in india. What kind of educational institution is the one that goes against the constitutional rights ? I would love to see such institutions loose their self-proclaimed fame.

I would strongly recommend NOT TO TAKE any course in IIPM to any of my friends.

To all the existing (and ex-IIPM) students:
You have paid several lakhs to IIPM based on their false advertisements. Instead of protesting against IIPM, if you target the persons who actually provide you enough details about their cheating, it actually allows the cheaters to survive. Fight it out with IIPM for the sake of goodness.

Now for those who dont know the story...
Jam, a magazine published reports on the false claims of IIPM run by the self proclaimed guru and fraudster arindham choudhary. This was blogged by Gaurav, and others. They were issued legal notices through email(!) for several crores by IIPM. IIPM students/supporters tried other childish techniques like fake blogs and threatening to burn IBM laptops because the blogger is an IBM employee. I cant believe IIPM could make the students SOOO DUMB !!!! Gaurav then quitted IBM on his own.

read about the whole story here.
Support the blogger's freedom of speech

Take time to go through the links.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

out of focussed...

My instant messenger window in the right corner shows few people online. Geographically seperated, its been long since I met many of my friends in my messenger list. But their online presence still makes me feel good about their nearness that I can chat with them. I havent realised the falseness of the icon until now.

One of my friend at work met with a motorbike accident two days ago in a highway.Within minutes someone stole his purse. Later a kind-heart found him and called up his home from his mobile and waited till their arrival. They took him to a big hospital in the nearest town (Hosur) which was equipped well enough to give 'polio drops' for children. They decided to take him to the nearest city (bangalore). But the ambulance there would not start. After opting other choices they managed to get him to a government hospital(nimhans) which also specializes trauma in bangalore. It was equipped to take some scans and tests. The doctor said the condition is critical due to internal bleeding in brain. But they arent equipped to treat him and the environment was clean enough to bring multiple diseases to a person who came there with a single complaint.

It was at this stage I came to know about the accident and rushed to the place avoiding all the potholes in the road. Meanwhile more of my friends have reached the place. We decided to move him to a hospital with ventilator bed. After some phone calls we found only a few hospitals are ready with them (some asked affordability before saying availability.) We took the ambulance from Nimhans to another private hospital. I followed in my bike only to find that the ambulance dint have working siren lights. In one place a person was chatting in his mobile phone in his car in the middle of the road without moving despite the honks from all sides. I squeezed my way to reach his vehicle and tell him that he is blocking an ambulance. After some starting trouble he moved the car. I have less complaints to make about that private hospital to which we went. But he died anyway the next day. I dont even want to mention about the involvement of police while taking the body.

The accidents in india are all just combinations that arise out of several malfunctions. Not just some rare coincidences. If a person is not helped by friends, he doesnt get any service. Lot of people try to make money in the crisis and even if they do, the service they provide is hardly adequate.

Senthil is still shown online in my messenger from a machine that he dint log off. I would rather see him off than realise that all the icons I see are not persons but just icons. I deleted him from my contact list with a sigh. My desktop looks blurred and out of focussed.

Monday, October 03, 2005

- M.K.Gandhi