cogito εrgo sum.

convergence from a quidnunc.

Monday, December 27, 2010

past, present and the extensions...

The music in my car stereo resumed after I hung up the call that I was attending in a solar powered bluetooth speakerphone.

I was driving my father back from a place where he performed his yearly rites to his deceased father.

We were listening to some song through FM, transmitted from my mobile phone which downloaded it to a microSD card smaller than my nail, through wifi on my 1Mbps broadband.

He was mentioning how my grandfather would not have accepted some of the things about the ritual that day, on which he had no option today.

The dot in my mobile updating sincerely with the help of 5 of those GPS satellites, as we moved through the map it was downloading through a slow GPRS connection.

He then reiterated what he already told me several times, "I have seen both worlds - a life without any device that needs electricity and the world I see today. I dont think there was ever a human lifeperiod or there will ever be one with such a massive change to human life."

Impressed by the touch interface, as he took my phone it changed its orientation from landscape to portrait, while he continued, "My contemporaries have witnessed it all. We are the luckiest."

I argue with him whenever he says something superlatively, "Oh they havent witnessed a live lifelike 3D holographic video of a person or a car you fly without a driver".

He was getting closer to what Charles Duell dint say, "That would not be as much amazing the first time as it did flying an aeroplane or a remote controlled toy car or seeing you live on a webcam from USA. They are only extensions of what we see today".

What say you?


Blogger Nivas said...

I still cherish the memories of my first portable CD player, my first remote car, my first toy laser, the furby doll and many more things that you bought us from overseas. Those petty things which have become insignificant now, are the ones that I looked at with awe and admiration a decade ago. Those were great days...

Wow, this post really stirred up my emotions. [tears] :')

11:53 pm  

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