cogito εrgo sum.

convergence from a quidnunc.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy π day to you !

Mar 14 is celebrated as Pi Day (at 1:59AM) by Pi enthusiasts around the world. The beauty of pi cannot be expressed in words, but only in equations.

I dont find rationality in celebrating days like "mother's day", "father's day", "onnu vitta brother's day", etc. But I am 'irrationally' inclined towards celebrating Pi day, for my love towards the number is 'real' and 'transcendental'.

Pi is just inevitable. Its divine even for atheist scientists. There cannot be an advanced civilisation in the world that doesnt know about pi (or its factors). Its cosmic and yet down to earth. It is perfect, yet random. Its so addictive to explore until you would feel you know everything about it and yet doesnt know about it! Be it a continued fraction or a generating function, its so symmetric. Yet so unpredictable in base 10. It just exists as an absolute beauty.

You are just there,
existing everywhere,
concealed to those who arent aware.
I can go round and around,
but i cannot miss you.
My sweetie pi.

Happy Pi day to all.

Some pi music for your ears here