cogito εrgo sum.

convergence from a quidnunc.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Oil price hike is good !

I welcome the oil price hike on a broader view!
This will give way to Hybrid cars and better technologies that are less dependent on depletable natural resource. Also when the oil requirements come down, some of the less courteous 'Oil producing countries' will become more courteous!

It is surprising to see the indian market going bullish inspite of the rising oil price! Its also worth reading this article in down to earth. Unfortunately, the indian (automobile) industries are too narrow minded that they dont spend money in R&D. Indian industries always want to win more money without loosing a paise. If they spend money for researches in solar and alternative energies, it would be worth their investment. Government should also provide benefits to encourage such expenditures. There is a battery operated car Reva which do not enjoy any tax benefits from government. Hence the cost of such cars are as high as a small car with petrol engine. This two seater car is ideal for city travel. It can speed upto 60 kmph and can travel upto 80 km in full charge. If this is promoted it would give way for better technology and probably battery recharge centers in the palce of petrol bunks! But reva currently enjoy good export business and they might probably think its more money than 'current' indian market!


Blogger TJ said...

The petroleum lobby is so powerful, it hardly allows support for research.
What u told the word 'Vision','long term'?? Sorry we dont know any of that, in our place.
Had we known something like that, every household in chennai would now be having 24 hours water supply.

3:41 pm  
Blogger anandh said...

I would rather support Hybrid cars such as Toyota Prius - which provides more mileage with less gas as compared to Battery cars such as Reva. Battery cars consume power that are generated from Coal (atleast in India) and at best should better be avoided.

8:08 am  

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